Alina Focsan - Semi Permanent Makeup

London Essex and surrounding areas.

New studio located in Romford

Alina Focsan - Semi Permanent Makeup

Hi I'm Alina, an industry leading semi permanent makeup expert. I've helped many people to get the most desirable look with eyebrow, eyeliner, lip colour & lip liner treatments as well as medical tattooing. My training, knowledge and experience can help you obtain the perfect brows and lips as well. I love working as a semi-permanent makeup specialist (people recommend me) because I've done it for years. It's one of the most satisfying jobs, because I am fully qualified to do it, know the secrets, and have expertise in every aspect of the lip filling and microblading procedure. Core services I offer: semi-permanent makeup, eyebrow tattoo, microblading, eyeliner. In the heart of London. cosmetic skin therapies and lip colour & liner treatments.


Semi Permanent Makeup - Ombre eyebrows


Perfect Everytime

Forget the morning chore of putting on the makeup before work. Sleep for an extra 15 minutes every day not only will you



Baby Doll Lips

Semi Permanent Makeup - Baby Doll Lips - Permanent Lipstick

Baby Doll Lips

Vibrant and kissable

How lovely to have beautifully shaped full lips that all you need is a little lip gloss. Imagine not worrying about lipstick coming off,




Semi Permanent Makeup - Powder eyebrows


Enhance Your Beauty

We are all different and our brows are to. My pleasure is to craft the perect shape for your face and leave you with a smile.




Semi Permanent Makeup - Microblading


For that natural look

Replace what you have lost or enhance what you have.




Semi Permanent Makeup - Eyeliner


Define Your Eyes

Make your eyes appear bigger and more beautiful.
make your eyes more noticable



Luxury Facials

Beauty Treatments - Facials

Luxury Facials

Treat your skin

This rejuvenating luxurious organic relaxing facial will reduce wrinkles, restore skin elasticity and leave your skin glowing.



Lip Filler

Semi Permanent Makeup - Lip Filler

Lip Filler

Enhance Your Lips

Lip fillers restore or add volume to your lips.



Eyebrow tattoo correction or (neutralization)

Eyebrow tattoo correction or (neutralization)

Eyebrow tattoo correction or (neutralization)

Repair the work of others

The total correction of the previous tattoo. This is a popular request from those that have had their eyebrows done by someone else



Dedicated to a great professional and happy experience

Dedicated to a great professional and happy experience

Permanent makeup has benefits on many levels it's about giving people back their confidence and boosting self-esteem.
Being beautiful all the time takes effort but with the correct treatments you wake up beautiful and full of confidence, without the time and effort.
You have beauty already all I need to do is help you unlock it!
The effects of the brow treatment (when done correctly) will completely transform how you look.

Want to wake up beautiful?